Meanders To The Center

~~~ Random thoughts along the journey to the center ~~~

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Location: Rocky Mountains, Colorado

Thank you for visiting Meanders....I hope that you enjoy doing so! All photos, poems, thoughts expressed are the copyright of pralinanmi....

Saturday, June 18, 2005

A Matter of Timing

The directions life takes for each of us seem to be guided mostly by a matter of timing. Often, an event which offers itself before or after the "right" time in one's life is one which is not likely to occur or be taken up on. Still, something which does not occur at one point in our life may, if we're lucky, be shown to us or return at another point to be a perfect "fit." This adventure of blogging...comes at such a time. It was suggested to me by an extremely eloquent musician, writer and artist...a blogger himself...whose beautiful and varied works speak to the good and humane in all of us...who unselfishly pointed to a path unknown to me, at the most appropriate moment in this life.
Often, I have noticed, timing also determines how a few minutes or even a few seconds can forever alter or shift our life...changing our destiny...and our destinations. Many among us no doubt have had the "close call" which brought us just about to the brink whereby our body and spirit would be parting. In my case, there have been several, but the most notable...the one that saw a speeding to match the light it had just burned...blur in front of the exact spot my car would be in in about 2 seconds...perhaps the 2 seconds I hesitated before putting my foot to the pedal...when the light turned green............Every once in a while too I think of the story I read many years ago about the woman who was walking down a New York City street when a piece of the skyscaper's construction fell, slamming directly into her. Now that's what you call bad timing...if only she'd been running a few minutes late...or is it a few minutes early...........but, surely it was her time cause what are the odds...
Timing also seems to have a hand in shaping relationships we have...or don't have...with others. Have you ever met a person you feel a connection to...someone you feel you've known before...and that you'd like to know again. For some reason though the fit's not right; whatever's happening in their life or yours does not allow it. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. If we learn to trust in the rightness of timing, and don't push it or try to go against it...instead we can seek to measure the pulse of time for the opening which may bring that person back into our life at at time that is ripe...for both. Perhaps if we fine tune the heart and mind to feel, listen for, hear and sync with time's cues of when to do and when to refrain...
you know...the mysterious feeling which compels us to linger a few seconds longer or speed up our actions...
the nagging thought that drives us to or from a particular place for no particular reason that we can rationalize...
the psychicness which occasionally manifests that we can't dismiss or get out of our mind until we follow its direction...
they will guide us to our place in the scheme of time whether it's to propel us along on our own journey or so that we may be there just in time to help someone else's...


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