Dragon Flys Waiting
Several years ago...I went back...back to my native land...after an absence of so many years...carrying...along with my suitcase... a homesickness buried so deep....I didn't feel it until my feet were about to touch the ground. A couple of days after arriving in that sorrow soaked land... which has never recovered from Columbus and his followers setting their bloodseeking boots on its peaceful shore...I was staying at a place near the sea and looked out of the room's large window...into the thick drops of a torrid dense tropical rain fall. I saw them immediately...at least fifty...magical dragon flys...clustered together...standing so still in front of the window... facing me...waiting...in the rain...welcoming me back...rerooting me to the home of my native ancestors. It was not long after receiving this...vision...that I had their mark etched into me....as a reminder...that we each hold a place...in the universe...
I have read that in ancient times...some dragon fly flew on wingspans of 27 inches or more! What a wondrous sight that would be to behold...two plus feet of these creatures....who prepare for their earthly debut for years sometimes...nymphs growing in water...until they finally emerge as their magnificent selves...each wearing a colour of the rainbow... This year there were many many of them...dancing everywhere...
About two years ago my brother...who lives on the east coast...gave me one which he had found....life gone. It was intact...so delicate...beautiful transparent blacklined mesh wings outstretched...legs tucked neatly under its body. I wasn't sure what to do... whether I should return it to the earth...but sensed that this one had found its way to me for a reason...and that it was a sacred gift to be taken care of for a time... Then...a couple of months ago...on an urge...I walked into a second hand store...to browse for nothing in particular...and as soon as I did so the young salewoman...seeing their likeness on me...told me that a large dragon fly had come into the store a few weeks earlier...perished on a window sill...and lay there still since they didn't know what to do with it. She asked me if I wanted to see it and take it home. Of course...I did...amazed....that another was being given me to guard...black with blue coloration of its body...lines and transparency of its wings...exactly...like the one at home...only smaller. When I rested them together...it seemed...destined... that one had been here waiting...and that the other... waiting there... had been found..............................
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