Meanders To The Center

~~~ Random thoughts along the journey to the center ~~~

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Location: Rocky Mountains, Colorado

Thank you for visiting Meanders....I hope that you enjoy doing so! All photos, poems, thoughts expressed are the copyright of pralinanmi....

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Do We....

How do we act
when death approaches...
comes close and waits...
for someone we love...
do we cower in fear
close our eyes afraid to look...
do we go about our business
and pretend...that it is not hovering...
do we turn away and hope
it changes its mind and leaves emptyhanded...
do we grab hold of the vise
twisting tightening screwing our heart
to ease the pain unfolding...
do we seek to be with the one
it has come for....
give solace....
remember the goodness of life
and ask it to be gentle and swift...
or do we bargain for mercy straight away...
pray for it to go away....
and not come back another day................


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