Legend of the Lion Dance

Shaolin Hung Mei Kung Fu Lion Dancers.....Main Street.....Deadwood....
The legend says...that one new year's eve many generations ago...a strange animal...the "nien shou"...appeared in Kuantung Province in China. The people of the area wanted to celebrate the entry of the new year...not worry about the creature...so they decided to construct likenesses of the animal to use to chase it away. They made the lion heads of painted paper over a frame of bamboo...and its body of triangular pieces of cloth sewn together. The following new year...two man teams went out into the province...with drum...cymbal and gong players...to scare the animal away...forever. The dance thereby came to represent the chasing away of harmful spirits and the bringing of good luck.
During the lion dance...the lions "eat" a head of lettuce...or an orange...which has been hung in a high and remote place. This often necessitates that the "head" be lifted up onto the shoulders of the "tail"...or has to climb a pole of wood...to reach the "hung bao"...the red envelope containing a donation from the sponsor...which is often strung up with the lettuce. After "chewing" the lettuce...a symbol originally of a good harvest...and now of prosperity... the lion flings the pieces high and low...to the delight of the spectators...distributing good luck...health...and prosperity...throughout. It is beautiful to watch a good lion dancer bring the legend to life...and be lucky enough to participate in this awe inspiring central and revered part of the bringing in of chinese new year............

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