Remembering Sister

It was probably my father who took this picture of my sister...maternal grandmother...paternal grandmother...and mother. It was taken at the international airport in NY, when my grandmothers came to visit us in July of year after my siblings and I had joined my parents in New York; exiles from the growing repression in Haiti.
My sister, Marie-Helene, was eleven at the time of this picture. She would have been 59 years the sorrow at not being able to call her...or see wish her "happy birthday" is not any less...even though she "flew across the canyon" years ago.
I love this picture. It is especially meaningful and poignant now...since all four of these strong women have left this world for the other....and I shall carry the memory and loss of guides and teachers........
Something triggered a memory of Marie-Helene today, so I searched her on the web. When I discovered she had left us several years ago, I thought of you. I'm glad you are well. And I'm glad to know more of your family, which google led me to. It's been many years since we knew each other at Indigena, in Berkeley, but one does not lose people who made a deep impression as you and Marie-Helene did on me. Be well, Jane Adams
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