Meanders To The Center

~~~ Random thoughts along the journey to the center ~~~

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Location: Rocky Mountains, Colorado

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Friday, July 01, 2005

Mourning Shawl

Restless sleep finds me...again
as from deep within
old memories stir..uneasy...
disturbed from their forgotteness...
surfacing once more to haunt me
taunting testing my strength and resolution..
how many Springs have passed since
the whirlwind came
churning turning spinning
change...merciless change...
into this unsuspecting life turned
to the seven directions to search
for why hearts unjoined...
to recover
the one who was within
at the beginning of that lifetime..
but...this this time of life...
sacred music strums and strokes my memories
while healing voice low and soothing
coaxes...reminding me
the time is here...
hang up this mourning shawl
already slipped from my shoulders
when the dawn arrives softly
gently into the day...


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