Meanders To The Center

~~~ Random thoughts along the journey to the center ~~~

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Location: Rocky Mountains, Colorado

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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Eagle Moves

This a.m....feeling rushed and working on not...I ponder what...and next posting will be...when four large birds catch my eyes...circling south of me... the city...on some unknown mission. I stop to watch them...this is the pause needed...and be set the morning back to the correct tempo and outlook. Two glide overhead and continue on...the other two come directly above me...and start their eagle dancing...gracefully moving towards each other in opposite circles. When they meet looks as if they will surely collide...but do a side step at the near point of contact. They continue their circling long enough for me to understand that they...have danced together before...and then move on to join the two gone ahead. It is always a sudden and uplifting sight to see these lofty the strangeness of the city...unnoticed by most below them. this is not a rare sighting...sometimes as many as twenty or more congregate. It is said that in some parts of the country... thousands of bald eagles will be seen flying together...sharing a journey. What an incredible and awe full sight that must be! The largest gathering of eagles in this memory was witnessed in Indian territory...California...during an occupation...for Yurok ancestral...and treaty rights...on the Klamath River. At least one hundred bald eagles...coming and going...gathering in those massive trees...talking vocally as they flew back and forth...making an observer think...know...that they had come that spot...during those lend their presence... and give the natives of many nations who had gathered on that land... activated help...preserve someone's old ways....... Seeing the eagle always...renews and recenters me... especially on days such as this one...which have a dubious and unsettled beginning......


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