Feline Companions
I sit in my rocking chair...morning coffee before me...ready to reflect on the day ahead...activities needing...or wanting...to be done...but it looks as if my pondering will have to wait...for...my housemates have decided that it’s time to share a bit of love. Ninja jumps on me first...feline companion named for his colours...and his manner. Guts...second companion...spies us settling in and...not wanting to miss this magical moment...bounces from his window perch to join us. Once fellow captives...they waited...cells side by side...at a Boulder pet shop...to be “adopted” by a kind hearted soul...or one looking for mousers...which in their case...happened to be me.
As I run my hand through Gut’s incredibly soft fur I think back to the Guts of a year ago...just a kitten then...when he first came to this new home. For about the first three months he hid...behind a living room cabinet...next to the warmth of a heater. He would come out only to eat drink or...use the facilities... If I happened to surprise him while he was away from his safe place...he would bolt back to seclusion before I had a chance to even think about reaching out for him. So...my daughter and I named him for the “guts” we knew he had in there... somewhere... and which also happened to be the name of our favourite character in the 'Berserk' anime series. After a few months...guess he figured he could maybe finally trust again and began to spend more time in the open...at least when those he was totally familiar with were around. Even now though...a year later...any loud noise or visitor sends him racing back to his hideout till the perceived threat is gone. It is only in the last few weeks that he has actually ventured to come to me for a stroke or two...so today...it was nice to see how comfortable he has become living here...with me...and his wild “brother” Ninja...who himself never had any adjustment problems at all...
These are the second pair of felines who have lived here over the years. Guts and Ninja’s predecessors...Tai and Ino...were of a different breed...blood brothers who were two of the largest...gentlest...and most beautiful cats I’ve ever seen. Their irreplaceable memories still tug at my heart...and I miss them dearly....especially since...being outdoors cats...in these mountains...I’m not really sure what happened to them...but prefer to think that they simply...found a new home...or have reverted to lifestyles more befitting cats of nature...
I like these creatures because they are so intelligent...self assured...and independent... yet know how to give...and receive...companionship and affection... without being over bearing... and...they keep the house free of the prolific field mice...who inevitably venture inside...and stay...if nothing is there to deter them. The few who do wander in now are left as...indistinguishable... gifts...that I think...were once...mice. I keep two cats so they have each other to interact with...if they so desire...during the long days and nights that I sometimes have to leave them.......to their own devise and company.....and know that when I come back...Ninja will be at the front door to greet me...and for his usual attempt at sneaking out...and Guts will be waiting quietly in his new safe place...the rocker...
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