Dragonfly Encounters 2

After the dragonfly gripped onto the sage leaf he stayed real still...remaining like that for the rest of the evening...and well into the next morning. I know...cause I checked every few hours to see if his body...and spirit...were still there...

In the morning...he had moved the direction of his body slightly but was still hanging on to the same leaf. I didn't know if this was normal dragonfly behavior...or if he was just too injured to move. I noticed an ant crawling up the plant he was settled on...food maybe? I decided to see if he'd like a drink of water so sprinkled some onto the leaf...then watched him scoop the liquid towards his mouth with his legs. That didn't seem to be working too well... so I put some water on a spoon and held it to his head. Sure enough...his head started moving back and forth and it looked like he was drinking.

When I got home later that evening he was gone...hopefully having recovered enough strength to move on. I prefer to think that the outcome of our encounter was positive and helpful to him...as it was to me........
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