My Sister Is A Cloud......
I posted this picture previously but it's most appropriate as a memorial to my sister, Marie-Helene, who passed into the spirit world on March 30, 2000.
About a month after she passed from cancer, she came to me in a a cloud. The dream was very distinct...she was floating carefee and happy...much as the figure above seems to me... and she drifted real close to put her cloud face close to mine so that I could get a good look and then sped backwards through the sky. It was a great dream.
Before she died we had several memorable conversations about dreams she had been which she was learning to fly. How appropriate that she would appear to me as a free floating cloud...flying so easily in the sky's wide expanse.
My sister was an extraordinary person...who, among other things, was co-founder of Indigena in Berkeley, California. For decades, she was instrumental in furthering awareness about native peoples in the Americas...and someday soon...I will write further about her contributions to making this world a more conscious and just place.
It's now been 8 years. They say that time heals all wounds...but from my experience...time only dulls the pain...allowing us to push the loss further into the recesses of our that we may continue on our own journey...
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