Meanders To The Center

~~~ Random thoughts along the journey to the center ~~~

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Location: Rocky Mountains, Colorado

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Saturday, September 17, 2005

Spider's Teaching

Mother spider...on my shower wall...
has spent...weeks...teaching her baby
how to spin a web...
I have watched the tiny one grow bigger
move quicker
spin faster
cover more territory
as he practices the life skills
passed down generation by generation
to him...
The relations of spider and spideling...
the persistence of the mother
rewarded by the learning of the child...
tweaks my thoughts to reveal
the circular bond from parent to child...
caring transcending classification
of two or many legged...winged or gilled...
a nurturing crisscrossing the species...
and in it...the teaching...once more...
that we are but intertwining circles
passing our...short...time on
one earth...for all.............


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