Meanders To The Center

~~~ Random thoughts along the journey to the center ~~~

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Location: Rocky Mountains, Colorado

Thank you for visiting Meanders....I hope that you enjoy doing so! All photos, poems, thoughts expressed are the copyright of pralinanmi....

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Escape Into the Night

Cat Ninja's out the door and disappears into the distant dark deftly avoiding my not-quite-quick-enough grasp. It is his first night time escapade and no way is he coming back...yet. As I look out through the glass for him a large shadow flashes left to right across my vision...'What kind of a..." I stop in my audible thought... realizing... Ninja has jumped from the porch...maybe eight feet that tree...and is hanging... suspended...way off the ground...claws of his paws deep in the brown of the bark. Looking around he bounds down to continue his explorations of the much territory...for a feline to get to much hunting to do...out there...
Hours later...he's still gone and I'm beginning to worry about the other creatures patrolling the dark...looking for a meal of meat...but I try to trust that he will survive his initiation into the wild life of the untamed night. When dreams call to me...I peek out for the last time before sucumbing to their beckoning...and see Ninja sitting on the railing...waiting like a partied out delinquent to see if he'll be let in. As he struts inside stepping with spring...gentle Guts gets going from the rocker and ambles over to sniff out the scoop from the scents of brother's greatest far.......


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