Meanders To The Center

~~~ Random thoughts along the journey to the center ~~~

My Photo
Location: Rocky Mountains, Colorado

Thank you for visiting Meanders....I hope that you enjoy doing so! All photos, poems, thoughts expressed are the copyright of pralinanmi....

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Note on the Moon......


words...and time...are scarce these hopefully the images...say something...for themselves.....

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Climbing the Ladder


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Shirt Tales


All things are seen anew through the eyes of photography.........

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hand to Hand


I have always found hands to be one of the more interesting features of a they are used to emphasize or punctuate a statement...or...can just be an expression in themselves.........


Wednesday, November 15, 2006



what I see
seems only for me...
one day I will
grasp futility
in sharing my visions........

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Letting Go


Say it low
and let it go...
then...hear it flow
into morning's glow...........

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Full Moon


Futher night time explorations into turning the flash off.....full she stands firm...through the clouds blowing their veil across her.............

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

After Life Travels


On my way to town the other front of me appeared this strange scene...of an ill fated buck...tied down in the after life...its head less body... somewhere...else.........

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Snow Falls

Took the photo above a couple of weeks ago...when the snow was coming down fast and furiously...that particular fall left us with about a foot of the white... last week it snowed again 10,000 feet above the sea...this time leaving a good 24 the photo below shows. Quite a bit of both snow falls is still with this part of the mountains.
It's a peculiar thing...when the "weather people" predict it will snow in "the mountains." The truth is that it can be snowing like an out of control blizzard in one part of the mountains... while...only a few miles away...the sun may be radiating...with not a white flake in sight......
